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Introducing Date feeds -

Introducing Date Feeds

As of today, you’ll see a new type of feed in the directory: Date feeds. They alert you of specific, scheduled “events” or “happenings”.

You can choose if you want to get notified when they happen, or in advance:

For example, follow the Valentine’s Day feed and…

  • Get reminded on Valentines Day (Feb 14th) to not forget to buy flowers for your sweetheart (be a good partner!)
  • Get reminded 7 days in advance in order to book a table in a nice restaurant for Valentines Day (be an even better partner!)
  • Get reminded 3 days in advance to remind your best friend of Valentines Day, so that he doesn’t forget to buy flowers for his girlfriend (be a good buddy!)

Wide range of applications

Date feeds can be used for all events for which there is – or will be – a public, fixed date.

The most common applications include:

The use cases for the Date feeds can be various; go through them and think which ones could add value to you. They are all free, and won’t cause information overload as they only send messages as defined by you.

For example, if you ever wondered if full moon has an impact on the quality of your sleep, follow the full moon Date feed, and track it along with your sleep quality in the Track & Analyze app, to spot correlations, allowing you to take measures and enhance your sleep.

Add new Date feeds

If the Date feed of your choice isn’t available in the directory you can set-up a new one:

The team will then add the respective dates for the event and, if the dates are not public yet, track the news and enter the dates once they are announced.

As this requires some effort, the new events should have a wide, public interest. For private affairs you want to get reminded about, please use the reminder feed instead, which allows you to send yourself a message in the future (by email, Telegram or any other delivery channel).

Ready to explore? Check out the Date feeds on!


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