Brain food for publishers and followers.
Use telegram as a new delivery channel

New Delivery Channel: Telegram

We’re excited to announce that from today, followers can pick Telegram as a delivery channel to get their updates!

What’s Telegram?

Telegram is a cloud-based online messaging app that works just like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. You can send messages, photos, videos, files of any type, and make calls.

With 400 million monthly active users it’s one of the heavyweights in the space.

How does it work with

When you go to a feed page (e.g. for Techcrunch) you’ll see the Telegram option as a new delivery channel:

Click on Telegram will open a popup, asking for your phone number in the international format, as shown below. After entering your phone number, you’ll receive a confirmation message to your account via Telegram. The next step would be allowing to receive your name, username, and profile picture. Soon you should receive a message on Telegram confirming that you’ve successfully logged in on via @followit_bot.

Done! You’ll now receive messages on Telegram, which may look like this:

We have many other output channels in the pipeline too – please check out our Product Roadmap.

If you have any questions about this new feature, just shoot us an email at “help (at) follow (dot) it”. Thank you!


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