Brain food for publishers and followers.

Status Page, Affiliate Program, and Public Roadmap

We’re happy to announce a couple of enhancements we put live on recently.

Status Page

Reliable message delivery is key for all users, and we’ve taken a step towards more transparency in this respect.

On our new status page you can track open issues, and our progress in fixing them.

Obviously, the status page is hosted on separate servers, to ensure that when there is an issue with the main servers, the status page is not affected.

You can follow updates by RSS as well as via the status feed. The RSS feed might be preferable as it will keep working also in case of issues on

Affiliate Program

As requested by quite a few users, we now launched an affiliate program.

You’ll see a new menu option on the left (after you logged in), with tabs:

  • Intro: Description of the program & your affiliate link
  • Referral activity: Stats on how many feeds got set up due to your referring, as well as the total number of followers they got
  • Earnings: Chart with your earnings over time & “Request payout”-button

Share this link with your blogger/web admins friends and followers, and earn 20% of all revenues, indefinitely.

Public Feature Roadmap

To give you some insight into what’s in the pipeline, we launched a Public Feature Roadmap on Trello:

As you can see, there’s A LOT we’re planning to do, so we’d really appreciate it if you could upvote the features you’d like to see implemented soon, helping us with the prioritization. Or, if you have new ideas altogether, please share!


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