follow.it & Inisev: Leveraging Synergies
We’re happy to announce that as of today, follow.it is an official member of the Inisev product family.
What’s my benefit?
First of all, you’ll get access to all products at privileged conditions. For example, you can request a discount code for any other Inisev product if you’re a paying follow.it user.
Secondly, if you’re in a position to spread the word about follow.it – for example if you’re a blogger, social media influencer, agency or have any other type of followership – you can be eligible to use follow.it for free.
Note: if you want to get a free upgrade for follow.it, you can achieve that by promoting a different product (which might be easier for you to promote). In other words: you can promote product A to use product B for free.
Apart from free usage, referring is incentivized heavily via an attractive affiliate program: for almost all Inisev products, you will earn 40% of all revenues – that’s both for the initial purchases your referrals make, as well as any renewal payments (indefinitely into the future), so your revenues build up over time.
Who’s Inisev?
Inisev Ltd. is the mother company running an ever-growing list of SaaS services & products.
Inisev’s mission is to facilitate information flow, i.e. helping people to get the information they need. That’s also reflected in Inisev’s name, information is everything. Learn more on Inisev’s About page.
follow.it fits nicely into that vision, as we’re all about helping people to keep up to date with the latest news & trends – without information overload. Please explore follow.it for readers to see how it works.
What’s next?
Please check out Inisev’s products & services. If you’re interested in a discount, and/or have the opportunity to spread the word about any Inisev product, please get in touch.
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